Can threatened malleefowl adapt to a changing climate? Eyre Peninsula NRM Adapt Climate Change grant investigating the influence of herbivore competitors and a drying climate on survival, movement and breeding of malleefowl.
Differences in hunting behaviour of individual feral cats and the resultant impacts on low threatened prey populations such as in reintroduction programs. ARC DECRA project through University of New South Wales.
Trial reintroductions of western quoll and brushtail possums into the Flinders Ranges National Park. DEWNR and FAME conservation and research project.
Combating prey naivety through in situ predator training. Investigating the changes in survival and behaviour when threatened species are exposed to low levels of predation over sustained periods. ARC Linkage grant with Arid Recovery and the University of New South Wales.
Optimised feral cat control including grooming trap trials and development of toxic Trojans that can potentially target individual catastrophic cats that are difficult to control with conventional techniques
Risks vs benefits of sampling reptiles in hot weather
Ecologically appropriate bioindicators and monitoring programs for environmental assessment