| Red Sand Green Heart explains how the unique wildlife and vegetation of the Australian outback have been shaped by the harsh climate of this vast, infertile land. In recent years indigenous groups have been joined by pastoralists, conservationists, miners, tourists and military, communications and transport users as key stakeholders in the outback. Red Sand Green Heart documents exciting new discoveries and describes the fascinating life of some of the Outback's most interesting creatures. The roles of different industries, organisations and the public in outback conservation, which is vital to prevent the extinctions that are still occurring today are also explored. Through vivid, personal stories John shares his experiences as an ecologist making new discoveries, challenging conventional approaches to pastoralism, mining, tourism and environmental management, and witnessing the precarious balance of nature as species are pitted against the harsh climate of the outback. The award winning book Red Sand Green Heart: Ecological Adventures in the Outback has been revised and updated with two new chapters. The revised edition can be accessed as an ebook as well from Arid Recovery or Amazon. - see attached press release Presented in a non-scientific way, Red Sand, Green Heart: Ecological Adventures in the Outback evokes a humorous, entertaining and informative picture of Australia's desert region and the environmental issues that affect us all. Contact Ecological Horizons for more information about Red Sand Green Heart. | "From taipan snakes and pelicans to hippie activists and hardline miners, John Read brings to life the characters, creatures and cultures of the outback." To purchase this book contact
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Tales in the Sand This book is a practical field guide to the identification of arid zone fauna using tracks and other signs. Photos, measurements, identification tips and distribution maps are provided for a range of mammal, reptiles, bird and invertebrate species. The book outlines a national monitoring technique for rare arid zone species based on a repeatable, standardised series of track monitoring sites. This guide is designed to be used by a range of stakeholders including indigenous groups, landholders, naturalists, field biologists and the general public. Authors : Katherine Moseby, Theresa Nano, Rick Southgate Example pages![]() ![]() |
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Among the Pigeons Why our cats belong indoors Author : John L Read Category: Research/Science/True Stories Purchase on www.johnlread.com |
"Meticulously researched, extraordinarily informative, and engagingly written." Jane Goodall |
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The Last Wild Island : Saving Tetepare
This is the story of Tetepare, the largest uninhabited island and one of the conservation gems of the South Pacific. Author : John Read Launched in Adelaide May 2011 Book review Dr. Ross W. Wein, Professor Emeritus, University of Alberta, Canada |
"An inspirational adventure by an observant and passionate storyteller" - Dick Smith
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Dear Grandpa, Why? Reflections from Kokoda to Hiroshima Author : John L Read Category: Biography/Autobiography/True Stories ISBN: 9781743055762 More information |
"'Dear Grandpa, why?' is a question that has been asked many times over, by descendants of those who have died in war. John L. Read, however, has placed his energy into actually seeking an answer to his own question." Hon. Sir Eric Neal, AC, CVO |
John Read Published papers
Rickards, H., Read, J.L., Johnson, C., Jones, M., Pauza, M., Bentley, J., Sculthorpe, A., Humprhey, M. and Hamer, R. (2022) Is the Felixer cat-control device safe for marsupial carnivores? Wildlife Research https://doi.org/10.1071/WR21175
Read, J.L., Wilson, G.R., Coulson, G., Cooney, R., Paton, D.C., Moseby, K.E., Snape, M.A. and Edwards, M.J. (2021) Improving Kangaroo Management: A Joint Statement. Ecological Management & Restoration 22: 186-193.
Pedler, R., Read, J., Moseby, K., Kingsford, R. and West, R. (2021) Proactive management of kangaroos for conservation and ecosystem restoration – Wild Deserts, Sturt National Park, NSW Ecological Management & Restoration 22: 90-98.
Read, J.L., Guerin, J., Duval, D. and Moseby, K (2021) Charred and chewed chalkies: Effects of fire and herbivory on the reintroduction of an endangered wattle. Ecological Management & Restoration 22: 35-43.
Read, J.L., Wilson, G.R., Coulson, G. and James Q. Radford, J.Q. (2021) Introduction to the special edition on overabundant macropods. Ecological Management & Restoration 22: 5-8.
Kingsford, R.T., West, R.S., Pedler, R.D., Keith, D.A., Moseby, K.E., Read, J.L., Letnic, M., Leggett, K.E.A. and Ryall, S.R. (2020). Strategic adaptive management planning—Restoring a desert ecosystem by managing introduced species and native herbivores and reintroducing mammals Conservation Science and Practice. 2020;e268..
Read, J.L., Firn, J., Grice, A.C., Murphey, R., Ryan-Colton, E. and Schlesinger, C.A. (2020). Ranking buffel: Comparative risk and mitigation costs of key environmental and socio‐cultural threats in central Australia. Ecology and Evolution doi.org/10.1002/ece3.6724
Read J.L., Dickman C.R., Boardman W.S.J., Lepczyk C.A. (2020) Reply to Wolf et al.: Why Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) Is Not an Ethical Solution for Stray Cat Management. Animals.; 10(9):1525.
Moseby, K.E., Read, J.L. and Andersen, G.E. (2020) Goat movement patterns inform management of feral goat populations in semiarid rangelands Wildlife Research 48, 44-54.
Moseby, K.E., McGregor, H. and Read, J.L. (2020). The lethal 23%: predator demography influences predation risk for threatened prey. Animal Conservation. doi:10.1111/acv.12623
Legge, S., Taggart, P., Dickman, C., Read, J. and Woinarski, J. (2020) ‘Impacts from cat-dependent diseases that affect people and livestock costs Australia $6 billion per year’ Wildlife Research 47(8) 731-746
McGregor, H., Read, J., Johnson, C.N., Legge, S., Hill, B., Moseby, K. (2020) Edge effects created by fenced conservation reserves benefit an invasive mesopredator. Wildlife Research doi:10.1071/WR19181
Callen A; Hayward MW; Klop-Toker K; Allen BL; Ballard G; Broekhuis F; Clarke RH; Clulow J; Clulow S; Daltry JC; Davies-Mostert HT; Di Blanco YE; Dixon V; Fleming PJS; Howell LG; Kerley GIH; Legge SM; Lenga DJ; Major T; Montgomery RA; Moseby K; Meyer N; Parker DM; Périquet S; Read J; Scanlon RJ; Shuttleworth C; Tamessar CT; Taylor WA; Tuft K; Upton RMO; Valenzuela M; Witt RR; Wüster W, (2020). Envisioning the future with ‘compassionate conservation’: An ominous projection for native wildlife and biodiversity', Biological Conservation, vol. 241,
Moseby, K.E., McGregor, H. Hill, B.M. and Read, J.L.(2019) Exploring the internal and external wildlife gradients created by conservation fences Conservation Biology DOI: 10.1111/cobi.13389
Moseby, K.E., McGregor, H., and Read, J.L.(2020) Effectiveness of the Felixer grooming trap for the control of feral cats: a field trial in arid South Australia. Wildlife Research https://doi.org/10.1071/WR19132
Moseby, K.E., McGregor, H., and Read, J.L. (in press) Effectiveness of the Felixer grooming trap for the control of feral cats: a field trial in arid South Australia. Wildlife Research
Reside, A.E., Briscoe, N.J., Dickman, C.R., Greenville, A.C., Hradsky, B.A., Kark, S., Kearney, M.R. Kutt, A.S., Nimmo, D.G., Pavey, C.R., Read, J.L., Ritchie, E.G., Roshier, D., Skroblin, A., Stone, Z., West, M. and Fisher, D.O. (2019). Persistence through tough times: fixed and shifting refuges in threatened species conservation. Biodiversity and Conservation doi.org/10.1007/s10531-019-01734-7.
B.P. Murphy, L.A. Woolley, H.M. Geyle, S.M. Legge, R. Palmer, C.R. Dickman, J. Augusteyn, S.C. Brown, S. Comer, T.S. Doherty, C. Eager, G. Edwards, D.A. Fordham, D. Harley, P.J. McDonald, H. McGregor, K. Moseby, C. Myers, J. Read, J. Riley, D. Stokeld, G.J. Trewella, J. M. Turpin and J.C.Z. Woinarski (2019). Introduced cats (Felis catus) eating a continental mammal fauna: the number of individuals killed. Biological Conservation
Amanda L. McLean, A.L., Cooper, S.J.B., Lancaster, M.L., Gaikhorst, G., Lambert, C., Moseby, K., Read, J., Ward, M. and Carthew, S.M. (2019). Small marsupial, big dispersal? Broad- and fine-scale genetic structure of an endangered marsupial from the Australian arid zone. Australian Journal of Zoology doi.org/10.1071/ZO18054
Ireland, L.,Zabek, M., Galindez-Silva, C., Weir, S., West, R., Liberty Olds, L., Backhouse, B., Copley, P. and Read, J. (2018). More than just the animals: opportunities and costs of reintroducing threatened black-footed rock-wallabies to remote Indigenous land. Pacific Conservation Biology https://doi.org/10.1071/PC17059
Pedler, R.D., West, R.S., Read, J.L., Moseby, K.E., Letnic, M., Keith, D.A., Leggett, K.D., Ryall, S.R. and Kingsford, R.T. (2018). Conservation challenges and benefits of multispecies reintroductions to a national park – a case study from New South Wales, Australia. Pacific Conservation Biology https://doi.org/10.1071/PC17058
Woinarski, J. C. Z., Murphy, B. P., Palmer, R., Legge, S. M., Dickman, C. R., Doherty, T. S., Edwards, G., Nankivell, A., Read, J. L.and Stokeld, D. (2019). How many reptiles are killed by cats in Australia? Wildlife Research https://doi.org/10.1071/WR17160
Read, J.L., Bowden, T., Hodgens, P., Hess, M., McGregor, H. and Moseby, K. (2019).Target specificity of Felixer grooming 'traps'. Wildlife Society Bulletin 43: 112-120.
Read, J.L., Dagg, E. and Moseby, K.E. (2019). Prey selectivity by feral cats at central Australian rock-wallaby colonies. Australian Mammalogy https://doi.org/10.1071/AM17055
Read, J., Copley, P., Ward, M., Dagg, E., Olds, L., Taggart, D. and West, R. (2018). Bringing back warru: return of the black-footed rock-wallaby to the APY Lands. Pp 237-248 in: Recovering Australia's threatened species: a book of hope. (Eds Garnett, S., Woinarski, J., Lindenmeyer, D. and Latch, P.) CSIRO Publishing, Clayton South, Victoria.
Moseby, K., Copley, P., Paton, D.C. and Read J.L. (2018). Arid Recovery: A successful conservation partnership. Pp 259-268 in: Recovering Australia's threatened species: a book of hope. (Eds Garnett, S., Woinarski, J., Lindenmeyer, D. and Latch, P.) CSIRO Publishing, Clayton South, Victoria.
Read, J.L., Pedler, R.D. and Kearney, M.R. (2018) Too much hot air? Informing ethical trapping in hot dry environments. Wildlife Research 45, 16-30
Campbell, G., Coffey, A., Miller, H.,Read, J.L., Brook, A., Fleming, P.J.S., Bird, P., Eldridge, S. and Allen, B.L. (2019). Dingo baiting did not reduce fetal/calf loss in beef cattle in northern South Australia. Animal Production Science 59: 319-330. https://doi.org/10.1071/AN17008
Stephen A. Murphy, Rachel Paltridge, Jennifer Silcock, Rachel Murphy, Alex S. Kutt & John Read (2017): Understanding and managing the threats to Night Parrots in southwestern Queensland, Emu - Austral Ornithology, 1-11.https://doi.org/10.1080/01584197.2017.1388744
Legge, S., Murphy, B., McGregor, H., Woinarski, J., Augusteyn, J., Ballard, G., Baseler, M., Buckmaster, T., Dickman, C., Doherty, T., Edwards, G., Eyre, T., Fancourt, B.A., Ferguson, D., Maxwell, M., McDonald, P.J., Morris, K., Moseby, K., Newsome, T., Nimmo, D., Paltridge, R., Ramsey, D., Read, J., Rendall, A., Rich, M., Ritchie, E., Rowland, J., Short, J., Stokeld, D., Sutherland, D.R., Wayne, A.F., Woodford, L., and Zewe, F. (2017). Enumerating a continental-scale threat: How many feral cats are in Australia? Biological Conservation 206: 293-303.
West, R., Read, J.L., Ward. M.J., Foster, W.K. and Taggart, D.A. (2016). Monitoring for adaptive management in a trial reintroduction of the black-footed rock-wallaby Petrogale lateralis Oryx doi:10.1017/S0030605315001490
Read, J.L. and Kearney, M.R. (2016). Too hot to handle? Balancing increased trapability with capture mortality in hot weather pitfall trapping. Austral Ecology: 41: 382-395
Pedler, R.D., Brandle, R., Read, J.L., Southgate, R., Bird, P. & Moseby, K.E. (2016). Bio-control triggers landscape-scale recovery of threatened desert mammals Conservation Biology 30: 774-782
Read, J., Moseby, K. and Lander, M. (2014). Comparison of three survey techniques for locating Malleefowl mounds Proceedings of the 5th National Malleefowl Forum 2014 pp: 174-182.
Read, J.L., Peacock, D., Wayne, A.F. and Moseby, K.E. (2015). Toxic Trojans: Can feral cat predation be mitigated by making their prey poisonous? Wildlife Research 42: 689-696
Read, J.L., Tyler, M.J. and Robinson, M. (2015). Recruitment and abnormality incidence of a desert frog assemblage at an Australian copper mine. Environmental Management and Restoration 16: 224-228.
Pedler, R.D., Brandle, R., Read, J.L., Southgate, R., Bird, P. & Moseby, K.E. (2016). Bio-control triggers landscape-scale recovery of threatened desert mammals Conservation Biology in press
Read, J.L., Peacock, D., Wayne, A.F. and Moseby, K.E. (2016). Toxic Trojans: Can feral cat predation be mitigated by making their prey poisonous? Wildlife Research in press
Read, J.L., Tyler, M.J. and Robinson, M. (2015). Recruitment and abnormality incidence of a desert frog assemblage at an Australian copper mine. Environmental Management and Restoration 16: 224-228.
Moseby, K.E., Peacock D.E., Read, J.L.(2015). Catastrophic cat predation: A call for predator profiling in wildlife protection programs. Biological Conservation 191: 331–340
Moseby, K.E., Read, J.L., McLean, A., Rogers, D. and Ward, M. (2015). How high is your hummock? The importance of Triodia height as a habitat predictor of an endangered marsupial in a fire prone environment. Austral Ecology in press
Read, J.L., Moseby, K.E. and Ward, M.J. (2015). Factors influencing trap success of sandhill dunnarts, Sminthopsis psammophila, and other small mammals, in Triodia dunefields of South Australia. Aust. Mammalogy 37: 212-218. https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/AM14020
Newsome, T.M., Ballard, G-A., Crowther, M.S., Dellinger, J.A., Fleming, P.J.S., Glen, A.S., Greenville, A.C., Johnson, C.N., Letnic, M., Moseby, K.E., Nimmo, D.G., Nelson, M.P., Read, J.L., Ripple, W.J., Ritchie, E.G., Shores, C.R., Wallach, A.D., Wirsing, A.J. and Dickman, C.R. (2015). Resolving the vaue of the dingo in ecological restoration. Restoration Ecology 02:
Read, J.L., Parkhurst, B. and Delean, S. (2015). Can Australian bush birds be used as canaries? Detection of pervasive environmental impacts at an arid Australian mine site. EMU 115: 117-125
Read, J.L., Bengsen, A.J., Meek, P.D. and Moseby, K.E. (2015) How to snap your cat. Optimum lures and their placement for attracting mammalian predators in arid Australia. Wildlife Research 42: 1–12
Moseby, K.E. and Read, J.L.(2014). The use of camera traps to monitor poison bait uptake. In Camera Trapping in Wildlife Research and Management (Meek, P. D., Ballard, A. G., Banks, P. B., Claridge, A. W., Fleming, P. J. S., Sanderson, J. G., and Swann, D. E., Eds.), CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, Australia.
Hayward, M.W., Moseby, K. and Read, J.L.(2014). The role of predator exclosures in the conservation of Australian fauna. Chapter 15 in A. S. Glen and C. R. Dickman (eds) Carnivores of Australia CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, Australia.
Read, J.L.and Scoleri, V. (2014). Ecological Implications of Reptile Mesopredator Release in Arid South Australia. Journal of Herpetology 49: 64-69.
Read, J.L, Gigliotti, F., Darby, S. and Lapidge, S. (2014). Dying to be clean: Pen trials of novel cat and fox control devices. International Journal of Pest Management 60: 166-172.
Read, J.L.(2013). Red Sand, Green Heart: Ecological adventures in the outback. Revised Ed. PAGE Publishing, Adelaide.
Read, J.L (2013). The birds of Tetepare Island, Solomon Islands Australian Field Ornithology 30: 67–78.
Read, J.L., Kovac, K, Brook, B.W. and Fordham, D.A. (2012). Booming during a bust: Asynchronous population responses of arid zone lizards to climatic variables. Acta Oecologica 2012: 51-61.
Moseby, K.E., Labere, J.P. and Read, J.L.(2011). Landowner Surveys Inform Protected Area Management: A Case Study from Tetepare Island, Solomon Islands. Human Ecology DOI 10.1007/s10745-012-9460-0
Moseby, K.E., Neilly, H., Read, J.L.and Crisp, H.A. (2011). Interactions between a Top Order Predator and Exotic Mesopredators in the Australian Rangelands. International Journal of Ecology 2012: 1-15.
Moseby, K.E., Read, J.L., Paton, D.C., Copley, P., Hill, B.M. and Crisp, H.A. (2011). Predation determines the outcome of 10 reintroduction attempts in arid South Australia. Biological Conservation 144: 2863-2872.
Ward, M.J., Urban, R., Read, J.L., Dent, A., Partridge, T., Clarke, A., vanWeenen, J. (2011). Status of warru (Petrogale lateralis MacDonnel Ranges race) in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands of South Australia. 1. Distribution and decline. Australian Mammalogy 33: 135-41.
Read , J.L. and Ward, M.J. (2011). Bringing back warru: initiation and implementation of the South Australian Warru Recovery Plan. Australian Mammalogy 33: 1-7.
Read, J.L.(2011). The Last Wild Island: Saving Tetepare. Page Digital Publishing Group, Kensington Park, Australia.
Moseby, K.E., Read, J.L., Galbraith, B., Munro, N., Newport, J. and Hill, B.M. (2011). The use of poison baits to control feral cats and red foxes in arid South Australia II. Bait placement, lures and non-target uptake. Wildlife Research 38: 350-358.
Allen , B., Read J. L. and Medlin G. (2011). Additional records of small mammals in northern South Australia. Australian Mammalogy 33: 68-72.
Read, J. and Ward, M.J. (2010). Warru Recovery Plan – Recovery of Petrogale lateralis MacDonnell Ranges Race in South Australia. Warru Recovery Team, South Australia., DENR, Adelaide.
Johnston, G., Read, J. and Morley, T. (2010). Trial reintroduction of the woma python in northern South Australia. Pp 104-107 in: Global Re-introduction Perspectives: Additional case studies from around the globe. IUCN/SSC Re-introduction Specialist Group, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Killpatrick, A.D., Warren-Smith, S.C., Read, J.L., Lewis, M.M. and Ostendorf, B. (2011). Cross-fence comparisons: Theory for spatially comprehensive, controlled variable assessment of treatment effects in managed landscapes: Ecological Informatics 6: 170-176.
Read, J.L.and Eldridge, S. (2010) An optimised rapid detection technique for simultaneously monitoring activity of rabbits, cats, foxes and dingoes in the rangelands. The Rangeland Journal 32: 389-394.
Read, J.L., Moseby, K.E, Briffa, J., Kilpatrick, A.D. and Freeman, A (2011) Eradication of rabbits from landscape scale exclosures: pipedream or possibility? ( Ecological Management and Restoration 12: 46-53.
Read, J.L., Johnston, G.R. and Morley, T.P. ( in press) Snake predation thwarts trial reintroduction of threatened woma pythons, Aspidites ramsayi Oryx
Read, J.L., Argument, D. and Moseby, K.E. (2010) Initial conservation outcomes of the Tetepare Island Protected Area. Pacific Conservation Biology 16: 173-180
Read, J.L.and Cunningham, R. (2010) Relative impacts of cattle grazing and feral animals on an Australian arid zone reptile and small mammal assemblage. Austral Ecology 35: 314-324.
Munro, N.T., Moseby, K.E. and Read, J.L.(2009) The effects of browsing by feral and re-introduced native herbivores on seedling survivorship in the Australian rangelands. The Rangeland Journal 31: 417-26.
Wallach, A.D., Ritchie, E.G., Read, J., O'Neill, A.J. (2009) More than Mere Numbers: The Impact of Lethal Control on the Social Stability of a Top-Order Predator. PLoS ONE 4(9): e6861. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0006861
Smyth, A.K., Brandle R., Chewings, V., Read, J., Brook, A. and Fleming , M. (2009). A framework for assessing regional biodiversity condition under changing environments of the arid Australian Rangelands. Rangeland Journal 31: in press
Smyth, A.K., Brandle R., Brook, A. Chewings, V., Fleming , M. and Read, J., (2009). Methods for identifying selecting and interpreting indicators for assessing biodiversity condition in desert Australia, using the Stony Plains bioregion as a case study. DKCRC Research Report 39: Desert Knowledge CRC, Alice Springs.
Read, J.L and Kilpatrick, A.D. (2009). Improved conservation status of Atriplex kochiana Maiden. Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Aust. 133: 172-177.
Moseby, K.E, Hill, B.M. and Read, J.L.(2009). Arid Recovery- A comparison of reptile and small mammal populations inside and outside a large rabbit, cat and fox-proof exclosure in arid South Australia. Austral Ecology 34: 156-169.
Moseby, K.E. and Read, J.L.(2008). Bolam's Mouse Pseudomys bolami. Pp 618-619 in: The Mammals of Australia 3rd edition eds S. VanDyck and R. Strahan. Reed New Holland, Sydney.
Kerle, J.A., Kutt, A.S. and Read, J.L.(2008). Desert Mouse Pseudomys desertor pp 625-626 in : The Mammals of Australia 3rd edition eds S. VanDyck and R. Strahan. Reed New Holland, Sydney.
Read, J.L., Carter, J., Moseby, K.M. and Greenville, A. (2008) Ecological roles of rabbit, bettong and bilby warrens in arid Australia. J. Arid Environments 72: 2124-2130
Moseby, K.E. and Read, J.L.(2006). The efficacy of feral cat, fox and rabbit exclusion fence designs for threatened species protection. Biological Conservation 127: 429-437.
Read, J.L.and Moseby, K.E. (2005). Vertebrates of Tetepare Island, Solomon Islands. Pacific Science 60: 69-79.
Read, J.L., Kovac, K-J and Fatchen, T.J. (2005) 'Biohyets': a method for displaying the extent and
severity of environmental impacts. Journal of Environmental Management 77: 157-164.
Read, J.L.(2004). Catastrophic drought-induced die-off of perennial chenopod shrubs in arid Australia following intensive cattle browsing. J. Arid Environs 58: 535-544.
Read, J.L.and Wilson, D. (2004). Scavengers and detritivores of kangaroo harvest offcuts in arid Australia. Wildlife Research 31: 51-56.
Andersen, A.N., Fisher, A., Hoffmann, B.D., Read, J.L.and Richards, R. (2004).
Use of terrestrial invertebrates for biodiversity monitoring in Australian rangelands, with particular reference to ants. Austral Ecology 29: 87-92.
Read, J.L.(2003). Red Sand, Green Heart: Ecological adventures in the outback. Lothian, Melbourne.
Read, J. (2003). Desert Warming: What are the consequences of global warming on our desert environments? Nature Australia 27: 38-43.
Read, J.L.(2003). Are miners the bunnies or the bilbies of the rangelands? Rangeland Journal 25: 172-182.
Wilson, D. and Read, J.L.(2003). Kangaroo harvesters: fertilising the rangelands. Rangeland Journal 25: 47-55.
Read, J.L.(2002). Experimental trial of Australian arid zone reptiles as early warning indicators of overgrazing by cattle. Austral Ecology 27: 55-66.
Read, J.L.(2001). Life on the Moon: What sort of animals could this moonscape possibly support? Nature Australia Winter: 42-49.
Bowen, Z. and Read, J.L.(1998) Population and demographic patterns of rabbits ( Oryctolagus cuniculus) at Roxby Downs in arid South Australia and the influence of rabbit haemorrhagic disease. Wildlife Research 25: 655-662.
Read, J. and Bowen, Z. (2001). Population dynamics, diet and aspects of the biology of feral cats and foxes in arid South Australia. Wildlife Research 28: 195-203.
Read, J.L.and Moseby, K.E. (2001). Factors affecting pitfall capture rates of small ground vertebrates in arid South Australia. I. The influence of weather and moon phase on capture rates of reptiles. Wildl. Res. 28: 53-60.
Moseby, K.E. and Read, J.L.(2001). Factors affecting pitfall capture rates of small ground vertebrates in arid South Australia. II. Optimum pitfall trapping effort. Wildl. Res. 28: 61-71.
Read, J.L.(2000). Baseline abnormality study of the frogs of Tampakan, South Cotabato Province, Mindanao, Philippines. Asia Life Sciences 9: 1-6. 50
Read, J.L.and Andersen, A.N. (2000). The value of ants as early warning bioindicators: responses to pulsed cattle grazing at an Australian arid zone locality. J. Arid Environs. 45: 231-51.
Read, J.L, Ebdon F.R. and Donohoe, P. (2000). The terrestrial birds of the Roxby Downs Area: a ten year history. S. Aust. Orn. 33: 71-83.
Read, J.L., Reid, N and Venables, W.N. (2000). Which bird species are useful bioindicators of mining and grazing impacts in arid South Australia? Environmental Management 26: 215-232.
Read, J.L.(1999). Bird colonisation of a remote arid settlement. Australian Bird Watcher 18: 59-67.
Read, J.L.(1999). Longevity, reproductive effort and movements of three sympatric Australian arid zone gecko species. Aust. J. Zool. 47: 307-316.
Read, J.L.(1999). Diet and causes of mortality of the Trilling Frog , Neobatrachus centralis. Herpetofauna 29: 2-7.
Read, J.L.(1999). A strategy for minimising waterfowl deaths on toxic ponds. J. Appl. Ecol. 36: 345-350.
Read, J.L.(1999). Birds, reptiles and ants as indicators of ecological impacts of mining and pastoralism at Olympic Dam in the Australian arid zone. Unpublished PhD Thesis, Department of Ecosystem Management, University of New England, Armidale.
Read, J.L.(1999). Abundance and recruitment patterns of the Trilling Frog ( Neobatrachus centralis) in the Australian arid zone. Aust. J. Zool. 47: 393-404.
Read, J.L.(1999). The initial response of a chenopod shrubland plant and invertebrate community to intensive grazing pulses. Rangeland J. 21: 169-193.
Read, J.L.and Badman, F.J. (1999). Birds of the Lake Eyre South region. Vol. 3, in: (W.J.H. Slater ed.) Lake Eyre South Monograph Series, RGSSA, Adelaide.
Read, J., Copley, P. and Bird, P. (1999). The distribution, ecology and current status of Pseudomys desertor in South Australia Wildl. Res. 26: 453-462.
Read, J.L.and Owens, H.M. (1999). Reptiles and amphibians of the Lake Eyre South region. Vol. 1, Part 3 in: (W.J.H. Slater ed.) Lake Eyre South Monograph Series, RGSSA, Adelaide.
Read, J.L.and Pickering, R. (1999). Ecological and toxicological effects of exposure to an acidic, radioactive tailings storage Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 54: 69-85.
Owens, H.M. and Read, J.L.(1999). Mammals of the Lake Eyre South region. Vol. 1, Part 2 in: (W.J.H. Slater ed.) Lake Eyre South Monograph Series, RGSSA, Adelaide.
Moseby, K., Read, J., Gee, P. and Gee, I. (1998). A study of the Davenport Range Black-footed Rock Wallaby colony and possible threatening processes. Final Report to Wildlife Conservation Fund, Dept Environment and Heritage, Adelaide.
Read, J.L.(1998). Animal bioindicators of mining disturbance at Olympic Dam. Fauna Habitat Reconstruction after Mining Workshop (Eds. C.J. Asher and L.C. Bell) pp. 111-115, ACMRR.
Read, J.L.(1998) Are geckos useful bioindicators of air pollution? Oecologia 114: 180-197
Read, J.L.(1998) Vertebrate fauna of the Nifty region, Great Sandy Desert with comments on the impacts of mining and rehabilitation. West Australian Naturalist 22:29-49
Read, J.L.(1998) Reptiles and amphibians of the Kau Wildlife Area near Madang: A valuable conservation resource. Science in New Guinea 23: 145-151.
Read, J.L.(1998) Hemmed in on all sides?: the status of the restricted gecko, Nephrurus deleani. Herpetofauna 28:30-38.
Read, J.L.(1998). The ecology of sympatric scincid lizards ( Ctenotus) in arid South Australia. Aust. J. Zool. 46: 617-629.
Read, J.L.and Ebdon, R (1998). Waterfowl of the Arcoona Lakes: An important arid zone wetland complex in South Australia. Australian Bird Watcher 17: 234-244.
Bowen, Z.E. and Read, J.L.(1998). Population and demographic patterns of rabbits( Oryctolagus cuniculus) at Roxby Downs in arid South Australia and the influence or rabbit haemorrhagic disease. Wildl. Res. 25: 655-662.
Moseby, K.E. and Read, J.L.(1998). Population dynamics and movement patterns of Bolam's mouse, Pseudomys bolami, at Roxby Downs. Australian Mammalogy 20: 353-368.
Read, J.L.(1997). Comparative abnormality rates of the Trilling Frog at Olympic Dam. Herpetofauna 27: 23-27
Read, J.L (1997). Stranded on desert islands? Factors shaping animal populations in Lake Eyre South. Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters 6: 431-438.
Read, J.L.(1996). Use of ants to monitor environmental impacts of salt spray from a mine in arid South Australia. Biodiversity and Conservation 5: 1533-1543.
Read, J.L.(1996). Fauna of the Elliot Price Conservation Park. Sth. Aust. Nat. 69: 4-11.
Read, J.L., Bird, B. and Greenfield, C. (1996). Southern range extensions of Flock Bronzewings Phaps histrionica in South Australia including a breeding record. S. Aust. Orn. 32: 99-102.
Dorfman, E.J. and Read, J.L.(1996). Nest predation by corvids on cormorants in Australia. Emu 96: 132-135.
Gee, P., Gee, I. and Read, J. (1996). An annotated bird list from the Davenport Ranges, South Australia. S. Aust. Orn. 32: 76- 81.
Read, J.L.(1995). Subhabitat variability: A key to the high reptile diversity in chenopod shrublands. Aust. J. Ecol. 20: 494-501.
Read J.L. (1995). Recruitment characteristics of the White Cypress Pine ( Callitris glaucophylla) in arid South Australia. Rangel. J. 17: 228-240.
Read, J.L.(1995). First South Australian record of the Oriental Cuckoo Cuculus saturatus. S. Aust Orn 32: 62-63.
Read, J.L.(1995). Gull-billed Tern predation on dragons; a possible range limiting factor for Arcoona Dragons ( Ctenophorus fionni)? Herpetofauna 25: 50-53.
Read, J.L.and Niejalke, D. (1995). Brolgas: The storks of the mound springs. Xanthopus 13: 6-7.
Read, J.L.(1995). The ecology of the Grass Owl Tyto capensis south of Lake Eyre. S. Aust. Orn. 32: 58-60.
Read, J.L.(1994). A retrospective view of the quality of the fauna component of the Olympic Dam Project Environmental Impact Statement. J. Env. Manage. 41:167-185.
Read, J.L.(1994). The diet of three species of Firetail Finches in temperate South Australia. Emu 94: 1-8.
Read, J.L.(1994). A major range extension and new ecological data on Oxyuranus microlepidotus (Reptilia: Elapidae). Trans Roy Soc. S. Aust 118: 143-145.
Read, J.L.and Tyler, M.J. (1994). Natural levels of abnormalities in the Trilling Frog ( Neobatrachus centralis) at the Olympic Dam Mine. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 53: 25-31.
Read, J.L.(1992). Influence of habitats, climate, grazing and mining on the small terrestrial vertebrates at Olympic Dam, South Australia. Rangel. J. 14: 143-156.
Read, J.L.(1992). Ecological and biological notes on the rare plant Hemichroa mesembryanthema F. Muell (Amaranthaceae). Trans. Roy. Soc. S. Aust. 116: 145-146.
Waterman, M.H. and Read, J.L.(1992). Breeding success of the Australian Pelican Pelecanus conspicillatus on Lake Eyre South in 1990. Corella 16: 123-126.
Read, J.L.(1991). Consumption of seeds by Red-browed Firetails Neochmia temporalis at feeders: dehusking rates and seed choice. Corella 15: 19-23.
Read, J.L.(1991). Range extensions for the Flock Pigeon in South Australia. S. Aust. Orn 31: 72.
Read, J.L.(1991). Reptiles and Amphibians. Ch. 6 in: A Natural History of the Lake Eyre region. A visitor's guide. Eds. Badman, F.J., Arnold, B.K. and Bell, S.L. The National Parks and Wildlife Service's Northern Consultative Committee, Port Augusta.
Read, J.L.and Bedford, G. (1991). The distribution and ecology of the Pygmy Copperhead Snake ( Austrelaps labialis). Herpetofauna 21: 1-6.
Read, J.L.and Badman, F.J. (1990). Reptile densities in chenopod shrubland at Olympic Dam, South Australia. Herpetofauna 20: 3-7.
Read, J.L.and Tyler, M.J. (1990). The nature and incidence of post-axial, skeletal abnormalities in the frog Neobatrachus centralis Parker at Olympic Dam, South Australia. Trans. R. Soc. S. Aust. 144: 213-217.
Katherine Moseby Publications
Scholarly Books
Moseby, K.E., Nano, T., and Southgate, R. (2009). Tales in the Sand: A guide to identifying arid zone fauna using spoor and other sign. Ecological Horizons, South Australia.
Scholarly Book Chapters
Moseby, K.E., Hill, C., Mooney, T., Peacock, D., Morris, K. , Copley, P. and Brandle, R. A Trial Reintroduction of the Western Quoll (Dasyurus geoffroii) into the Flinders Ranges National Park, South Australia. Pp 228-230 In Global Reintroduction Perspectives 2016; case studies from around the globe (Ed. P.S. Soorae). IUCN Reintroduction Specialist Group, Gland Switzerland.
Moseby, K.E., Carthey, A. and Schroeder, T. (2015). The influence of predators and prey naivety on reintroduction success; current and future directions. Pp 29-42 In Advances in Reintroduction Biology of Australian and New Zealand Fauna. (Eds. Armstrong, D.P., Hayward, M.W., Moro, D. and Seddon, P.J.), CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, Australia.
Moseby, K.E. and Read, J.L.(2014). The use of camera traps to monitor poison bait uptake. In Camera Trapping in Wildlife Research and Management (Eds. Meek, P. D., Ballard, A. G., Banks, P. B., Claridge, A. W., Fleming, P. J. S., Sanderson, J. G., and Swann, D. E.), CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, Australia.
Hayward, M., Moseby, K.E. and Read, J.R. (2014). The role of predator exclosures in the conservation of Australian Fauna. Pp 363-380 In Carnivores in Australia (Eds. A. Glen and C. Dickman). CSIRO publishing, Collingwood, Victoria.
Moseby, K.E. and Read, J.L.(2008). Bolam's Mouse Pseudomys bolami. Pp 618-619 In The Mammals of Australia 3rd edition (Eds S. VanDyck and R. Strahan), Reed New Holland, Sydney.
Owens, H.M., Moseby, K.E. and Brandle, R. (2008). Dusky Hopping Mouse Notomys fuscus. Pp 602-604 In The Mammals of Australia 3rd edition (Eds S. VanDyck and R. Strahan), Reed New Holland, Sydney
Journal Articles
Stenhouse P; Onley IR; Mitchell KJ; Moseby KE; Austin JJ, 2022, 'Spatial genetic structure and limited gene flow in fragmented populations of the threatened Malleefowl (Leipoa ocellata)', Ecological Genetics and Genomics, vol. 24, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.egg.2022.100127
Moseby KE; McGregor HM, 2022, 'Feral cats use fine scale prey cues and microhabitat patches of dense vegetation when hunting prey in arid Australia', Global Ecology and Conservation, vol. 35, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2022.e02093
Berger-Tal O; Saltz D; Moseby KE; Seddon PJ, 2022, 'Editorial: Animal Behavior After Translocation Into Novel Environments', Frontiers in Conservation Science, vol. 3, https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fcosc.2022.888125
Onley IR; Austin JJ; Mitchell KJ; Moseby KE, 2022, 'Understanding dispersal patterns can inform future translocation strategies: A case study of the threatened greater stick-nest rat (Leporillus conditor)', Austral Ecology, vol. 47, pp. 203 - 215, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/aec.13100
Onley IR; Moseby KE; Austin JJ; Sherratt E, 2022, 'Morphological variation in skull shape and size across extinct and extant populations of the greater stick-nest rat (Leporillus conditor): Implications for translocation', Australian Mammalogy, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/AM21047
Stenhouse P; Moseby K, 2022, 'Trends in breeding activity of the threatened Malleefowl (Leipoa ocellata): what can we expect under a changing climate?', Emu, vol. 122, pp. 51 - 60, https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01584197.2022.2045870
Cornelsen KA; Arkinstall CM; van Weenen J; Ross AK; Lawes JC; Moseby KE; Elphinstone A; Jordan NR, 2022, 'Telemetry tails: a practical method for attaching animal-borne devices to small vertebrates in the field', Wildlife Research, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/wr21107
Jensen MA; Paton DC; Moseby KE, 2021, 'Delayed release improves site fidelity but has little effect on survival or breeding success of reintroduced western quolls (Dasyurus geoffroii)', Austral Ecology, vol. 46, pp. 1298 - 1310, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/aec.13073
Moseby K; Hodgens P; Bannister H; Mooney P; Brandle R; Lynch C; Young C; Jansen J; Jensen M, 2021, 'The ecological costs and benefits of a feral cat poison-baiting programme for protection of reintroduced populations of the western quoll and brushtail possum', Austral Ecology, vol. 46, pp. 1366 - 1382, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/aec.13091
Moseby KE; Jensen MA; Tatler J, 2021, 'Dietary flexibility and high predator efficacy facilitate coexistence in a novel predator interaction', JOURNAL OF MAMMALOGY, vol. 103, pp. 124 - 135, https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jmammal/gyab120
Read J; Guerin J; Duval D; Moseby K, 2021, 'Charred and chewed chalkies: Effects of fire and herbivory on the reintroduction of an endangered wattle', Ecological Management and Restoration, vol. 22, pp. 35 - 43, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/emr.12447
Read JL; Wilson GR; Coulson G; Cooney R; Paton DC; Moseby KE; Snape MA; Edwards MJ, 2021, 'Improving Kangaroo Management: A Joint Statement', Ecological Management and Restoration, vol. 22, pp. 186 - 192, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/emr.12467
Jansen J; McGregor H; Axford G; Dean AT; Comte S; Johnson CN; Moseby KE; Brandle R; Peacock DE; Jones ME, 2021, 'Long-distance movements of feral cats in semi-arid South Australia and implications for conservation management', Animals, vol. 11, https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ani11113125
Pedler R; Read J; Moseby K; Kingsford R; West R, 2021, 'Proactive management of kangaroos for conservation and ecosystem restoration – Wild Deserts, Sturt National Park, NSW', Ecological Management and Restoration, vol. 22, pp. 90 - 98, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/emr.12456
Bannister HL; Letnic M; Blumstein DT; Moseby KE, 2021, 'Individual traits influence survival of a reintroduced marsupial only at low predator densities', Animal Conservation, vol. 24, pp. 904 - 913, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/acv.12690
Bannister H; Croxford A; Brandle R; Paton DC; Moseby K, 2021, 'Time to adjust: Changes in the diet of a reintroduced marsupial after release', ORYX, vol. 55, pp. 755 - 764, https://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0030605319000991
Morris SD; Brook BW; Moseby KE; Johnson CN, 2021, 'Factors affecting success of conservation translocations of terrestrial vertebrates: A global systematic review', Global Ecology and Conservation, vol. 28, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2021.e01630
Onley IR; Moseby KE; Austin JJ, 2021, 'Genomic approaches for conservation management in australia under climate change', Life, vol. 11, https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/life11070653
Tay NE; Fleming PA; Warburton NM; Moseby KE, 2021, 'Predator exposure enhances the escape behaviour of a small marsupial, the burrowing bettong', Animal Behaviour, vol. 175, pp. 45 - 56, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.anbehav.2021.02.013
Phelan R; Baumgartner B; Brand S; Brister E; Burgiel SW; Charo RA; Coche I; Cofrancesco A; Delborne JA; Edwards O; Fisher JP; Gaywood M; Gordon DR; Howald G; Hunter ME; Kareiva P; Mankad A; Marvier M; Moseby K; Newhouse AE; Novak BJ; Ohrstrom G; Olson S; Palmer MJ; Palumbi S; Patterson N; Pedrono M; Pelegri F; Rohwer Y; Ryder OA; Saah JR; Scheller RM; Seddon PJ; Shaffer HB; Shapiro B; Sweeney M; Tercek MR; Thizy D; Tilt W; Weber M; Wegrzyn RD; Whitelaw B; Winkler M; Wodak J; Zimring M; Robbins P, 2021, 'Intended consequences statement', Conservation Science and Practice, vol. 3, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/csp2.371
Moseby KE; Hodgens P; Peacock D; Mooney P; Brandle R; Lynch C; West R; Young CM; Bannister H; Copley P; Jensen MA, 2021, 'Intensive monitoring, the key to identifying cat predation as a major threat to native carnivore (Dasyurus geoffroii) reintroduction', Biodiversity and Conservation, vol. 30, pp. 1547 - 1571, https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10531-021-02157-z
Moseby KE; McGregor H; Read JL, 2021, 'The lethal 23%: predator demography influences predation risk for threatened prey', Animal Conservation, vol. 24, pp. 217 - 229, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/acv.12623
Moseby KE; Read JL; Andersen GE, 2021, 'Goat movement patterns inform management of feral goat populations in semiarid rangelands', Wildlife Research, vol. 48, pp. 44 - 54, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/WR20042
McGregor H; Moseby K; Johnson CN; Legge S, 2021, 'Effectiveness of thermal cameras compared to spotlights for counts of arid zone mammals across a range of ambient temperatures', Australian Mammalogy, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/AM20040
Moyses J; Hradsky B; Tuft K; Moseby K; Golding N; Wintle B, 2020, 'Factors influencing the residency of bettongs using one-way gates to exit a fenced reserve', Austral Ecology, vol. 45, pp. 858 - 871, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/aec.12898
Berris KK; Breed WG; Moseby KE; Carthew SM, 2020, 'Female reproductive suppression in an Australian arid zone rodent, the spinifex hopping mouse', Journal of Zoology, vol. 312, pp. 163 - 173, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jzo.12813
McGregor H; Read J; Johnson CN; Legge S; Hill B; Moseby K, 2020, 'Edge effects created by fenced conservation reserves benefit an invasive mesopredator', Wildlife Research, vol. 47, pp. 677 - 685, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/WR19181
Moseby KE; McGregor H; Read JL, 2020, 'Effectiveness of the Felixer grooming trap for the control of feral cats: A field trial in arid South Australia', Wildlife Research, vol. 47, pp. 599 - 609, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/WR19132
White LC; Thomson VA; West R; Ruykys L; Ottewell K; Kanowski J; Moseby KE; Byrne M; Donnellan SC; Copley P; Austin JJ, 2020, 'Genetic monitoring of the greater stick-nest rat meta-population for strategic supplementation planning', Conservation Genetics, vol. 21, pp. 941 - 956, https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10592-020-01299-x
Kingsford R; West R; Pedler R; Keith D; Moseby K; read J; Letnic M; Leggett K; Ryall S, 2020, 'Strategic Adaptive Management planning - restoring a desert ecosystem by managing introduced species and native herbivores and reintroducing mammals', Conservation Science and Practice, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/csp2.268
West RS; Tilley L; Moseby KE, 2020, 'A trial reintroduction of the western quoll to a fenced conservation reserve: Implications of returning native predators', Australian Mammalogy, vol. 42, pp. 257 - 265, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/AM19041
Moseby KE; Brandle R; Hodgens P; Bannister HL, 2020, 'Can reintroductions to degraded habitat succeed? A test using the common brushtail possum', Austral Ecology, vol. 45, pp. 675 - 690, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/aec.12880
Steindler LA; Blumstein DT; West R; Moseby KE; Letnic M, 2020, 'Exposure to a novel predator induces visual predator recognition by naïve prey', Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, vol. 74, https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00265-020-02884-3
Callen A; Hayward MW; Klop-Toker K; Allen BL; Ballard G; Beranek CT; Broekhuis F; Bugir CK; Clarke RH; Clulow J; Clulow S; Daltry JC; Davies-Mostert HT; Di Blanco YE; Dixon V; Fleming PJS; Howell LG; Kerley GIH; Legge SM; Lenga DJ; Majorq T; Montgomery RA; Moseby K; Meyer N; Parker DM; Périquet S; Read J; Scanlon RJ; Shuttleworth C; Tamessar CT; Taylor WA; Tuft K; Upton RMO; Valenzuela M; Witt RR; Wüster W, 2020, 'Response to comments on “Compassionate Conservation deserves a morally serious rather than dismissive response - reply to Callen et al., 2020”', Biological Conservation, vol. 244, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2020.108517
Bannister HL; Brandle R; Delean S; Paton DC; Moseby KE, 2020, 'Supportive release techniques provide no reintroduction benefit when efficacy and uptake is low', ORYX, vol. 54, pp. 206 - 214, https://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0030605317001843
Moseby KE; McGregor H; Hill BM; Read JL, 2020, 'Exploring the internal and external wildlife gradients created by conservation fences', Conservation Biology, vol. 34, pp. 220 - 231, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/cobi.13389
McGregor H; Moseby K; Johnson CN; Legge S, 2020, 'The short-term response of feral cats to rabbit population decline: Are alternative native prey more at risk?', Biological Invasions, vol. 22, pp. 799 - 811, https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10530-019-02131-5
Moseby KE; Daniels A; Duri V; Tropa W; Welma S; Bero A; Soapi K, 2020, 'Community-based monitoring detects catastrophic earthquake and tsunami impacts on seagrass beds in the Solomon Islands', Marine Pollution Bulletin, vol. 150, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2019.07.032
Callen A; Hayward MW; Klop-Toker K; Allen BL; Ballard G; Broekhuis F; Clarke RH; Clulow J; Clulow S; Daltry JC; Davies-Mostert HT; Di Blanco YE; Dixon V; Fleming PJS; Howell LG; Kerley GIH; Legge SM; Lenga DJ; Major T; Montgomery RA; Moseby K; Meyer N; Parker DM; Périquet S; Read J; Scanlon RJ; Shuttleworth C; Tamessar CT; Taylor WA; Tuft K; Upton RMO; Valenzuela M; Witt RR; Wüster W, 2020, 'Envisioning the future with ‘compassionate conservation’: An ominous projection for native wildlife and biodiversity', Biological Conservation, vol. 241, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2019.108365
Woolley LA; Geyle HM; Murphy BP; Legge SM; Palmer R; Dickman CR; Augusteyn J; Comer S; Doherty TS; Eager C; Edwards G; Harley DKP; Leiper I; McDonald PJ; McGregor HW; Moseby KE; Myers C; Read JL; Riley J; Stokeld D; Turpin JM; Woinarski JCZ, 2019, 'Introduced cats Felis catus eating a continental fauna: inventory and traits of Australian mammal species killed', Mammal Review, vol. 49, pp. 354 - 368, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/mam.12167
Murphy BP; Woolley LA; Geyle HM; Legge SM; Palmer R; Dickman CR; Augusteyn J; Brown SC; Comer S; Doherty TS; Eager C; Edwards G; Fordham DA; Harley D; McDonald PJ; McGregor H; Moseby KE; Myers C; Read J; Riley J; Stokeld D; Trewella GJ; Turpin JM; Woinarski JCZ, 2019, 'Introduced cats (Felis catus) eating a continental fauna: The number of mammals killed in Australia', Biological Conservation, vol. 237, pp. 28 - 40, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2019.06.013
Hayward MW; Callen A; Allen BL; Ballard G; Broekhuis F; Bugir C; Clarke RH; Clulow J; Clulow S; Daltry JC; Davies-Mostert HT; Fleming PJS; Griffin AS; Howell LG; Kerley GIH; Klop-Toker K; Legge S; Major T; Meyer N; Montgomery RA; Moseby K; Parker DM; Périquet S; Read J; Scanlon RJ; Seeto R; Shuttleworth C; Somers MJ; Tamessar CT; Tuft K; Upton R; Valenzuela-Molina M; Wayne A; Witt RR; Wüster W, 2019, 'Deconstructing compassionate conservation', Conservation Biology, vol. 33, pp. 760 - 768, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/cobi.13366
Blumstein DT; Letnic M; Moseby K, 2019, 'In situ predator conditioning of naive prey prior to reintroduction', Philosophical Transactions B: Biological Sciences, https://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2018.0058
Dawson SJ; Broussard L; Adams PJ; Moseby KE; Waddington KI; Kobryn HT; Bateman PW; Fleming PA, 2019, 'An outback oasis: the ecological importance of bilby burrows', Journal of Zoology, vol. 308, pp. 149 - 163, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jzo.12663
Roy-Dufresne E; Lurgi M; Brown SC; Wells K; Cooke B; Mutze G; Peacock D; Cassey P; Berman D; Brook BW; Campbell S; Cox T; Daly J; Dunk I; Elsworth P; Fletcher D; Forsyth DM; Hocking G; Kovaliski J; Leane M; Low B; Kennedy M; Matthews J; McPhee S; Mellin C; Mooney T; Moseby K; Read J; Richardson BJ; Schneider K; Schwarz E; Sinclair R; Strive T; Triulcio F; West P; Saltré F; Fordham DA, 2019, 'The Australian National Rabbit Database: 50 yr of population monitoring of an invasive species', Ecology, vol. 100, https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ecy.2750
Sato CF; Westgate MJ; Barton PS; Foster CN; O'Loughlin LS; Pierson JC; Balmer J; Chapman J; Catt G; Detto T; Hawcroft A; Kavanagh RP; Marshall D; McKay M; Moseby K; Perry M; Robinson D; Schroder M; Tuft K; Lindenmayer DB, 2019, 'The use and utility of surrogates in biodiversity monitoring programmes', Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 56, pp. 1304 - 1310, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.13366
Ross A; Letnic M; Blumstein D; Moseby K, 2019, 'Reversing the effects of evolutionary prey naiveté through controlled predator exposure', Journal of Applied Ecology, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.13406
Bannister HL; Hodgens P; Moseby KE, 2019, 'Offspring sex and maternal effects influence the development and natal dispersal of an arboreal marsupial', Journal of Mammalogy, vol. 100, pp. 423 - 434, https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jmammal/gyz021
Butler K; Paton D; Moseby K, 2019, 'One-way gates successfully facilitate the movement of burrowing bettongs (Bettongia lesueur) through exclusion fences around reserve', Austral Ecology, vol. 44, pp. 199 - 208, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/aec.12664 Smith B; Cairns K; Adams J; Newsome T; Fillios M; Deaux E; Parr W; Letnic M; van Eden L; Appelby R; Bradshaw C; Savolainen P; Ritchie E; Nimmo D; Archer-Lean C; Greenville A; Dickman C; Watson L; Moseby K; Doherty T; Wallach A; Morrant D; Crowther M, 2019, 'Taxonomic status of the Australian dingo: the case for Canis dingo meyer, 1793', Zootaxa, vol. 4564, pp. 173 - 197, https://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4564.1.6
Read JL; Bowden T; Hodgens P; Hess M; McGregor H; Moseby K, 2019, 'Target specificity of the felixer grooming “trap”', Wildlife Society Bulletin, vol. 43, pp. 112 - 120, https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/wsb.942
Foster CN; O'Loughlin LS; Sato CF; Westgate MJ; Barton PS; Pierson JC; Balmer JM; Catt G; Chapman J; Detto T; Hawcroft A; Jones G; Kavanagh RP; McKay M; Marshall D; Moseby KE; Perry M; Robinson D; Seddon JA; Tuft K; Lindenmayer DB, 2019, 'How practitioners integrate decision triggers with existing metrics in conservation monitoring', Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 230, pp. 94 - 101, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.09.067
Ringma J; Legge S; Woinarski JCZ; Radford JQ; Wintle B; Bentley J; Burbidge A; Copley P; Dexter N; Dickman C; Gillespie GR; Hill B; Johnson CN; Kanowski J; Letnic M; Manning A; Menkhorst P; Mitchell N; Morris K; Moseby K; Page M; Palmer R; Bode M, 2019, 'Systematic planning can rapidly close the protection gap in Australian mammal havens', Conservation Letters, vol. 12, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/conl.12611
Jensen MA; Moseby KE; Paton DC; Fanson KV, 2019, 'Non-invasive monitoring of adrenocortical physiology in a threatened Australian marsupial, the western quoll (Dasyurus geoffroii)', Conservation Physiology, vol. 7, https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/conphys/coz069 Read JL; Dagg E; Moseby KE, 2019, 'Prey selectivity by feral cats at central Australian rock-wallaby colonies', Australian Mammalogy, vol. 41, pp. 132 - 141, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/AM17055
Dawson SJ; Adams PJ; Waddington KI; Moseby KE; Fleming PA, 2019, 'Recovery of Pindan vegetation on seismic lines', Rangeland Journal, vol. 41, pp. 393 - 403, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/RJ19051
Short J; Copley P; Ruykys L; Morris K; Read J; Moseby K, 2019, 'Review of translocations of the greater stick-nest rat (Leporillus conditor): Lessons learnt to facilitate ongoing recovery', Wildlife Research, vol. 46, pp. 455 - 475, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/WR19021
Moseby K; Letnic M; Blumstein D; West R, 2018, 'Understanding predator densities for successful co-existence of alien predators and threatened prey', Austral Ecology, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/aec.12697
Radford J; Woinarski J; Legge S; Baseler M; Bentley J; Burbidge A; Bode M; Copley P; Dexter N; Dickman C; Gillespie G; Hill B; Johnson C; Kanowski J; Latch P; Letnic M; Manning A; Menkhorst P; Mitchell N; Morris K; Moseby K; Page M; Ringma J, 2018, 'Degrees of population-level susceptibility of Australian terrestrial non-volant mammal species to predation by the introduced red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and feral cat (Felis catus).', Wildlife Research, vol. 45, pp. 645 - 657, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/WR18008
West R; Blumstein D; Letnic M; Moseby K, 2018, 'Searching for an effective pre-release screening tool for translocations: can trap temperament predict behaviour and survival in the wild?', Biodiversity and Conservation, vol. 28, pp. 229 - 243, https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10531-018-1649-0
Legge S; Woinarski J; Burbidge A; Palmer R; Ringma J; Radford J; Mitchell N; Bode M; Wintle B; Baseler M; Bentley J; Copley P; Dexter N; Dickman C; Gillespie G; Hill B; Johnson C; Latch P; Letnic M; Manning A; McCreless E; Menkhorst P; Morris K; Moseby K; Page M; Pannell D; Tuft K, 2018, 'Havens for threatened Australian mammals: the contributions of fenced areas and offshore islands to the protection of mammal species susceptible to introduced predators', Wildlife Research, vol. 45, pp. 627 - 644, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/WR17172
Moseby K; Blumstein D; Letnic M; West R, 2018, 'Choice or opportunity: are post-release social groupings influenced by familiarity or reintroduction protocols?', Oryx, https://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0030605318000054
Saxon-Mills E; Moseby K; Blumstein D; Letnic M, 2018, 'Prey naïveté and the anti-predator responses of a vulnerable marsupial prey to known and novel predators', Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, vol. 72, https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00265-018-2568-5
Pedler R; West R; Read J; Moseby K; Letnic MI; Keith D; Leggett K; Ryall S; Kingsford R, 2018, 'Conservation challenges and benefits of multispecies reintroductions to a national park – a case study from New South Wales, Australia', Pacific Conservation Biology, vol. 24, pp. 397 - 408, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/PC17058
Moseby KE; Crowther M; Letnic MI, 2018, 'Ecological Role of an Apex Predator Revealed by a Reintroduction Experiment and Bayesian Statistics', Ecosystems, pp. 1 - 13, https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10021-018-0269-6
Dawson SJ; Adams PJ; Moseby KE; Waddington KI; Kobryn HT; Bateman PW; Fleming PA, 2018, 'Peak hour in the bush: linear anthropogenic clearings funnel predator and prey species', Austral Ecology, vol. 43, pp. 159 - 171, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/aec.12553
White LC; Moseby KE; Thomson VA; Donnellan SC; Austin JJ, 2018, 'Long-term genetic consequences of mammal reintroductions into an Australian conservation reserve', Biological Conservation, vol. 219, pp. 1 - 11, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2017.12.038
Moseby KE; Lollback GW; Lynch CE, 2018, 'Too much of a good thing; successful reintroduction leads to overpopulation in a threatened mammal', Biological Conservation, vol. 219, pp. 78 - 88, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2018.01.006 Steindler L; Blumstein D; West R; Moseby K; Letnic MI, 2018, 'Discrimination of introduced predators by ontogenetically naïve prey scales with duration of shared evolutionary history', Animal Behaviour, vol. 137, pp. 133 - 139, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.anbehav.2018.01.013
Bannister H; Brandle R; Moseby K, 2018, 'Antipredator behaviour of a native marsupial is relaxed when mammalian predators are excluded', Wildlife Research, vol. 45, pp. 726 - 736, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/WR18060
Moseby KE; Letnic M; Blumstein DT; West R, 2018, 'Designer prey: Can controlled predation accelerate selection for anti-predator traits in naïve populations?', Biological Conservation, vol. 217, pp. 213 - 221, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2017.09.022
McLean AL; Cooper SJB; Lancaster ML; Gaikhorst G; Lambert C; Moseby K; Read J; Ward M; Carthew SM, 2018, 'Small marsupial, big dispersal? Broad- and fine-scale genetic structure of an endangered marsupial from the Australian arid zone', Australian Journal of Zoology, vol. 66, pp. 214 - 227, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/ZO18054
Moseby KE, 2018, 'The desert dweller: Forging a career in arid zone ecology', Pacific Conservation Biology, vol. 24, pp. 230 - 234, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/PC18022
Crisp H; Pedler R; Moseby K, 2018, 'The use of hair tubes in detecting irruptive arid-zone rodents', Australian Mammalogy, vol. 40, pp. 230 - 233, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/AM15025
Moseby KE; Letnic M; Blumstein DT; West R, 2018, 'Designer prey: Can controlled predation accelerate selection for anti-predator traits in naïve populations?', Biological Conservation, vol. 217, pp. 213 - 221, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2017.09.022
West R; Letnic MI; Blumstein D; Moseby K, 2017, 'Predator exposure improves anti-predator responses in a threatened mammal', Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 55, pp. 147 - 156, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.12947
Pavey CR; Addison J; Brandle R; Dickman CR; McDonald PJ; Moseby KE; Young LI, 2017, 'The role of refuges in the persistence of australian dryland mammals', Biological Reviews, vol. 92, pp. 647 - 664, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/brv.12247
Legge S; Murphy BP; McGregor H; Woinarski JCZ; Augusteyn J; Ballard G; Baseler M; Buckmaster T; Dickman CR; Doherty T; Edwards G; Eyre T; Fancourt BA; Ferguson D; Forsyth DM; Geary WL; Gentle M; Gillespie G; Greenwood L; Hohnen R; Hume S; Johnson CN; Maxwell M; McDonald PJ; Morris K; Moseby K; Newsome T; Nimmo D; Paltridge R; Ramsey D; Read J; Rendall A; Rich M; Ritchie E; Rowland J; Short J; Stokeld D; Sutherland DR; Wayne AF; Woodford L; Zewe F, 2017, 'Enumerating a continental-scale threat: How many feral cats are in Australia?', Biological Conservation, vol. 206, pp. 293 - 303, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2016.11.032
Linley GD; Moseby KE; Paton DC, 2017, 'Vegetation damage caused by high densities of burrowing bettongs (Bettongia lesueur) at Arid Recovery', Australian Mammalogy, vol. 39, pp. 33 - 41, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/AM15040
Pedler RD; Brandle R; Read JL; Southgate R; Bird P; Moseby KE, 2016, 'Rabbit biocontrol and landscape-scale recovery of threatened desert mammals', Conservation biology : the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology, vol. 30, pp. 774 - 782, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/cobi.12684
Atkins R; Blumstein DT; Moseby K; West R; Letnic MI, 2016, 'Deep evolutionary experience explains mammalian responses to predators', Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, vol. 70, pp. 1755 - 1763, https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00265-016-2181-4
Moseby K; Read J; Mclean A; Ward M; Rogers DJ, 2016, 'How high is your hummock? The importance of Triodia height as a habitat predictor for an endangered marsupial in a fire-prone environment', Austral Ecology, vol. 41, pp. 382 - 395, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/aec.12323
Bengsen AJ; Algar D; Ballard G; Buckmaster T; Comer S; Fleming PJS; Friend JA; Johnston M; Mcgregor H; Moseby K; Zewe F, 2016, 'Feral cat home-range size varies predictably with landscape productivity and population density', Journal of Zoology, vol. 298, pp. 112 - 120, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jzo.12290
Bannister HL; Lynch CE; Moseby KE, 2016, 'Predator swamping and supplementary feeding do not improve reintroduction success for a threatened Australian mammal, Bettongia lesueur', Australian Mammalogy, vol. 38, pp. 177 - 187, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/AM15020
Moseby KE; Peacock DE; Read JL, 2015, 'Catastrophic cat predation: A call for predator profiling in wildlife protection programs', Biological Conservation, vol. 191, pp. 331 - 340, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2015.07.026
Moseby K; Blumstein D; Letnic MI, 2015, 'Harnessing natural selection to tackle the problem of prey naïveté', Evolutionary Applications: evolutionary approaches to environmental, biomedical and socio-economic issues, vol. 9, pp. 334 - 343, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/eva.12332
Newsome TM; Ballard GA; Crowther MS; Dellinger JA; Fleming PJS; Glen AS; Greenville AC; Johnson CN; Letnic M; Moseby KE; Nimmo DG; Nelson MP; Read JL; Ripple WJ; Ritchie EG; Shores CR; Wallach AD; Wirsing AJ; Dickman CR, 2015, 'Resolving the value of the dingo in ecological restoration', Restoration Ecology, vol. 23, pp. 201 - 208, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/rec.12186
Schroeder T; Lewis MM; Kilpatrick AD; Moseby KE, 2015, 'Dingo interactions with exotic mesopredators: Spatiotemporal dynamics in an Australian arid-zone study', Wildlife Research, vol. 42, pp. 529 - 539, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/WR15104
Read JL; Ward MJ; Moseby KE, 2015, 'Factors that influence trap success of sandhill dunnarts (Sminthopsis psammophila) and other small mammals in Triodia dunefields of South Australia', Australian Mammalogy, vol. 37, pp. 212 - 218, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/AM14020
Read JL; Bengsen AJ; Meek PD; Moseby KE, 2015, 'How to snap your cat: Optimum lures and their placement for attracting mammalian predators in arid Australia', Wildlife Research, vol. 42, pp. 1 - 12, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/WR14193
Read JL; Peacock D; Wayne AF; Moseby KE, 2015, 'Toxic Trojans: Can feral cat predation be mitigated by making their prey poisonous?', Wildlife Research, vol. 42, pp. 689 - 696, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/WR15125
Moseby KE; Hill BM; Lavery TH, 2014, 'Tailoring release protocols to individual species and sites: One size does not fit all', PLoS ONE, vol. 9, https://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0099753
Meek PD; Ballard G; Claridge A; Kays R; Moseby K; O'Brien T; O'Connell A; Sanderson J; Swann DE; Tobler M; Townsend S, 2014, 'Recommended guiding principles for reporting on camera trapping research', Biodiversity and Conservation, https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10531-014-0712-8
McGregor HM; Moseby KE, 2014, 'Improved technique for capturing the greater bilby (Macrotis lagotis) using burrow cage traps', Australian Mammalogy, vol. 36, pp. 259 - 260, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/AM14011 Meek PD; Ballard G; Claridge A; Kays R; Moseby K; O'Brien T; O'Connell A; Sanderson J; Swann DE; Tobler M; Townsend S, 2014, 'Recommended guiding principles for reporting on camera trapping research', Biodiversity and Conservation, vol. 23, pp. 2321 - 2343, https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10531-014-0712-8
Matthews A; Ruykys L; Ellis B; Fitzgibbon S; Lunney D; Crowther MS; Glen AS; Purcell B; Moseby K; Stott J; Fletcher D; Wimpenny C; Allen BL; Van Bommel L; Roberts M; Davies N; Green K; Newsome T; Ballard G; Fleming P; Dickman CR; Eberhart A; Troy S; Mcmahon C; Wiggins N, 2013, 'The success of GPS collar deployments on mammals in Australia', Australian Mammalogy, vol. 35, pp. 65 - 83, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/AM12021
Moseby KE; Cameron A; Crisp HA, 2012, 'Can predator avoidance training improve reintroduction outcomes for the greater bilby in arid Australia?', Animal Behaviour, vol. 83, pp. 1011 - 1021, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.anbehav.2012.01.023
Moseby KE; Labere JP; Read JL, 2012, 'Landowner Surveys Inform Protected Area Management: A Case Study from Tetepare Island, Solomon Islands', Human Ecology, vol. 40, pp. 227 - 235, https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10745-012-9460-0
Moseby KE; Neilly H; Read JL; Crisp HA, 2012, 'Interactions between a top order predator and exotic mesopredators in the Australian rangelands', International Journal of Ecology, https://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2012/250352
Moseby KE; Read JL; Paton DC; Copley P; Hill BM; Crisp HA, 2011, 'Predation determines the outcome of 10 reintroduction attempts in arid South Australia', Biological Conservation, vol. 144, pp. 2863 - 2872, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2011.08.003
Moseby KE; Hill BM, 2011, 'The use of poison baits to control feral cats and red foxes in arid South Australia I. Aerial baiting trials', Wildlife Research, vol. 38, pp. 338 - 349, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/WR10235
Moseby KE; Read JL; Galbraith B; Munro N; Newport J; Hill BM, 2011, 'The use of poison baits to control feral cats and red foxes in arid South Australia II. Bait type, placement, lures and non-target uptake', Wildlife Research, vol. 38, pp. 350 - 358, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/WR10236
Read JL; Moseby KE; Briffa J; Kilpatrick AD; Freeman A, 2011, 'Eradication of rabbits from landscape scale exclosures: Pipedream or possibility?', Ecological Management and Restoration, vol. 12, pp. 46 - 53, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1442-8903.2011.00567.x
James A; Eldridge DJ; Koen T; Moseby KE, 2011, 'Can the invasive European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) assume the soil engineering role of locally-extinct natives?', Biological Invasions, vol. 13, pp. 3027 - 3038, https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10530-011-9987-9
Crisp H; Moseby K, 2010, 'One-way gates: Initial trial of a potential tool for preventing overpopulation within fenced reserves', Ecological Management and Restoration, vol. 11, pp. 139 - 141, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1442-8903.2010.00532.x
Read JL; Argument D; Moseby KE, 2010, 'Initial conservation outcomes of the Tetepare Island Protected Area', Pacific Conservation Biology, vol. 16, pp. 173 - 180, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/pc100173
James A; Eldridge DJ; Moseby KE, 2010, 'Foraging pits, litter and plant germination in an arid shrubland', Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 74, pp. 516 - 520, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jaridenv.2009.09.016
Munro NT; Moseby KE; Read JL, 2009, 'The effects of browsing by feral and re-introduced native herbivores on seedling survivorship in the Australian rangelands', Rangeland Journal, vol. 31, pp. 417 - 426, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/RJ08027
Moseby KE; Stott J; Crisp H, 2009, 'Movement patterns of feral predators in an arid environment implications for control through poison baiting', Wildlife Research, vol. 36, pp. 422 - 435, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/WR08098
Moseby KE; Hill BM; Read JL, 2009, 'Arid Recovery - A comparison of reptile and small mammal populations inside and outside a large rabbit, cat and fox-proof exclosure in arid South Australia', Austral Ecology, vol. 34, pp. 156 - 169, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1442-9993.2008.01916.x
Read JL; Carter J; Moseby KM; Greenville A, 2008, 'Ecological roles of rabbit, bettong and bilby warrens in arid Australia', Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 72, pp. 2124 - 2130, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jaridenv.2008.06.018
Bice J; Moseby K, 2008, 'Diets of the re-introduced greater bilby (Macrotis lagotis) and burrowing bettong (Bettongia lesueur) in the Arid Recovery Reserve, Northern South Australia', Australian Mammalogy, vol. 30, pp. 1 - 12, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/am08001
Moseby KE; Owens H; Brandle R; Bice JK; Gates J, 2006, 'Variation in population dynamics and movement patterns between two geographically isolated populations of the dusky hopping mouse (Notomys fuscus)', Wildlife Research, vol. 33, pp. 223 - 232, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/WR05034
Moseby KE; Read JL, 2006, 'The efficacy of feral cat, fox and rabbit exclusion fence designs for threatened species protection', Biological Conservation, vol. 127, pp. 429 - 437, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2005.09.002
Moseby KE; Read JL, 2006, 'The efficacy of feral cat, fox and rabbit exclusion fence designs for threatened species protection', BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION, vol. 127, pp. 429 - 437, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2005.09.002
Read JL; Moseby K, 2006, 'Vertebrates of Tetepare Island, Solomon Islands', Pacific Science, vol. 60, pp. 69 - 79, https://dx.doi.org/10.1353/psc.2005.0060
Moseby KE; De Jong S; Munro N; Pieck A, 2005, 'Home range, activity and habitat use of European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in arid Australia: Implications for control', Wildlife Research, vol. 32, pp. 305 - 311, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/WR04013
Moseby KE; Selfe R; Freeman A, 2005, 'Erratum: Attraction of auditory and olfactory lures to Feral Cats, Red Foxes, European Rabbits and Burrowing Bettongs (Ecological Management and Restoration (December 2004) 5:3 (228-231))', Ecological Management and Restoration, vol. 6, pp. 80, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1442-8903.2005.00222.x
Moseby KE; Selfe R; Freeman A, 2004, 'Attraction of auditory and olfactory lures to Feral Cats, Red Foxes, European Rabbits and Burrowing Bettongs', Ecological Management and Restoration, vol. 5, pp. 228 - 231, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1442-8903.2004.209-8.x
Finlayson GR; Moseby KE, 2004, 'Managing confined populations: The influence of density on the home range and habitat use of reintroduced burrowing bettongs (Bettongia lesueur)', Wildlife Research, vol. 31, pp. 457 - 463, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/WR03035
Moseby KE; Bice JK, 2004, 'A trial re-introduction of the Greater Stick-nest Rat (Leporillus conditor) in arid South Australia', Ecological Management and Restoration, vol. 5, pp. 118 - 124, https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1442-8903.2004.00186.x
Bolton J; Moseby K, 2004, 'The activity of Sand Goannas Varanus gouldii and their interaction with reintroduced Greater Stick-nest Rats Leporillus conditor', Pacific Conservation Biology, vol. 10, pp. 193 - 201, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/pc040193
Bolton J; Moseby K, 2004, 'The activity of Sand Goannas Varanus gouldii and their interaction with reintroduced Greater Stick-nest Rats Leporillus conditor', Pacific Conservation Biology, vol. 10, pp. 193 - 193, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/pc040193
Moseby KE; O'Donnell E, 2003, 'Reintroduction of the greater bilby, Macrotis lagotis (Reid) (Marsupialia: Thylacomyidae), to northern South Australia: Survival, ecology and notes on reintroduction protocols', Wildlife Research, vol. 30, pp. 15 - 27, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/WR02012
Ryan SA; Moseby KE; Paton DC, 2003, 'Comparative foraging preferences of the greater stick-nest rat Leporillus Conditor & the European rabbit Oryctolagus Cuniculus: Implications for regeneration of arid lands', Australian Mammalogy, vol. 25, pp. 135 - 146, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/am03135
Read L; Moseby KE, 2001, 'Factors affecting pitfall capture rates of small ground vertebrates in arid South Australia. I. The influence of weather and moon phase on capture rates of reptiles', Wildlife Research, vol. 28, pp. 53 - 60, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/WR99057
Moseby KE; Read JL, 2001, 'Factors affecting pitfall capture rates of small ground vertebrates in arid South Australia. II. Optimum pitfall trapping effort', Wildlife Research, vol. 28, pp. 61 - 71, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/WR99058
Brandle R; Moseby KE, 1999, 'Comparative ecology of two populations of Pseudomys australis in northern South Australia', Wildlife Research, vol. 26, pp. 541 - 564, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/WR97049
Moseby KE; Brandle R; Adams M, 1999, 'Distribution, habitat and conservation status of the rare dusky hopping-mouse, Notomys fuscus (Rodentia:Muridae)', Wildlife Research, vol. 26, pp. 479 - 494, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/WR97061
Brandle R; Moseby KE; Adams M, 1999, 'The distribution, habitat requirements and conservation status of the plains rat, Pseudomys australis (Rodentia: Muridae)', Wildlife Research, vol. 26, pp. 463 - 477, https://dx.doi.org/10.1071/WR97060